No Bookmarks Exist.
All right. Good evening, everybody. Today is December 6th, 2023. 00:00:10
This is a 5:00 business meeting of the Valencia County Commission. 00:00:15
And if I could have Jess and his guests please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance tonight. 00:00:19
Ideally, institute reply of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. 00:00:31
One nation under God. 00:00:38
Indivisible with liberty and justice. 00:00:41
Or. 00:00:49
All right. Thank you very much for that, Mister. 00:00:50
All right, before we move any further, if anyone has their cell phones turned on, if you could at this time, silence those. 00:00:54
Eliminating distraction for our meeting, we definitely appreciate that. 00:01:02
And I'm sure as you can tell, I'm not commissioner size, but he is. 00:01:08
Asked me to chair this meeting because he may have to leave a little bit early tonight, so. 00:01:13
Bear with me, it's been a while. 00:01:17
And I thank you for that. 00:01:19
All right. So next is the approval of the agenda. We've had this agenda for several days. 00:01:22
Is there any changes to the agenda as presented by Commissioners, Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make. 00:01:26
Motion that we move our executive session. 00:01:35
To right before we start our action items, which would be prior to item number six on our agenda if there's. 00:01:39
If the rescue Commission doesn't have an issue with that. 00:01:46
Any other changes Comm. 00:01:50
Mr. Monette no other changes, Mr. 00:01:52
All right. 00:01:55
So we have a recommendation for approval. 00:01:56
An amendment moving our executive session just before action items. 00:01:59
Is there a motion to support that so moved? I can't have a motion from Commissioner size, second from Commissioner Bozell, any 00:02:03
discussion on the motion and 2nd? 00:02:08
Commissioner Richardson, that evoked yes, Commissioner Buzzell, Commissioner Sparkman, Commissioner Size and I vote. 00:02:14
OK. Next is the approval of minutes. 00:02:23
We have two sets of minutes which I'm going to ask if we. 00:02:25
Take action on separately since I was not here for one of. 00:02:29
The first is 11/15/2023. It was a public hearing slash business meeting. 00:02:33
Those minutes have been in our pack. 00:02:39
Are there any changes to those minutes by? 00:02:42
Mr. Monette, no. 00:02:45
Mr. 00:02:48
Commissioner Brazil, I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes as presented. They have a motion to approve by Commissioner 00:02:49
Brazil, second, second by Commissioner Sparkman, any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:02:54
Commissioner Richardson, how do you vote? 00:02:59
Yes, Commissioner, Brazil, yes, Commissioner, sparkling. 00:03:01
Commissioner size, yes, and I will. 00:03:04
All right. Well, that gets signed. We're going to move on to. 00:03:33
Number 11/28/2023. 00:03:39
There's an ICIP workshop. 00:03:41
Those Minutes have also been in our package. Are there any changes from those Commissioners? 00:03:44
We approve as presented. We have a motion for approval from commissioner size. 00:03:50
Commissioner Bissell. 00:03:55
Any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:03:56
Commissioner Richardson, your vote. Yes. Commissioner Brazil, yes. Commissioner Sparkman, yes. Commissioner. Size, yes, and I will 00:03:58
abstain. 00:04:01
OK. Moving on, we have public comment. 00:04:37
I have a list here of names of folks. 00:04:41
Be speaking for public comment. 00:04:44
I'd like to run through a few of the ground rules. We've got a time limit. Your time will be started here on this clock. 00:04:47
Once you state your name. 00:04:53
Once that buzzer goes off, I'll ask you to sit down, even if you're if you have more to say. 00:04:55
You can come back at a later meeting and finish that. 00:05:01
Also, if you do have more to say, you can also e-mail those comments to. 00:05:04
Armed county manager and he'll get those input into the minutes as well. 00:05:11
If you can come up, state your name. 00:05:15
Whether you're a Blunt County resident or not. 00:05:18
And keep your comments directed to the Commission. We'd appreciate that. Don't engage anybody. 00:05:21
Audience would appreciate. 00:05:29
So our first name tonight is going to be Chase. 00:05:32
Good evening County Commission. My name is Chase Ward. I grew up just a little introduction myself. I grew up in a small farm in 00:05:47
southeastern Arizona. I attended Eastern Arizona College where I met my wife. I later attended New Mexico State University where I 00:05:52
earned my bachelor's in pre Med animal science. 00:05:56
I live at 20 Francis here in Valencia County. 00:06:03
In the short four months we have lived in our new home, we have been a target of scrutiny. The neighbors constantly are taking 00:06:06
pictures of our every move. They bought burner phones to harass me every morning I start the truck to go to and from work. 00:06:13
They've even gone as far as following. 00:06:20
To see where I go throughout. 00:06:22
We had a friend stop by who is a mobile mechanic to get some eggs. 00:06:24
Even opened a toolbox, but the neighbors snapped pictures of him and sent it. 00:06:29
And stated that we had a mechanic at our house. My father-in-law came by 1 evening with his trailer and personal truck and sure 00:06:34
enough an e-mail was seen about that as well. 00:06:38
About men being in our house, trying to load stuff and pulling the wool over the county's eyes, which is not true. 00:06:42
They have become obsessed with, obsessed with trying to prove something that. 00:06:48
Isn't true. 00:06:52
And it's made our lives miserable. We don't feel comfortable in our home. They hide behind their walls and video us. 00:06:53
Do they have pictures of our kids? I don't. 00:06:58
It's sad that a young family has buyer's remorse because of a few neighbors. They claim they are coming to the county as 00:07:01
representatives of the neighborhood to ban semi trucks, but in truth, the majority of the people who reside in Google estate 00:07:05
support us and the rest of the truckers. 00:07:09
We have a petition that was signed by 27 residents. 00:07:14
That state they do not view us as a nuisance and do not care that we park our cemetery semi truck at our home on our property. 00:07:17
One of these neighbors has even brought it upon themselves to send certified letters to other semi truck drivers in the 00:07:26
neighborhood stating that they cannot have their semis at their homes. 00:07:30
They use these certified letters as a scare tactic to bully the neighbors. They even sign it from the residents of Goodele states, 00:07:34
which is false and in my opinion, forgery. 00:07:39
The previous owners were granted permission to park one truck and one trailer. Here at 20 Francis, they were told that their case 00:07:44
was closed. Per Melissa had a mile. 00:07:48
The e-mail was sent in July of this year and should be carried over to. 00:07:52
We are currently only parking 1 semi truck at our residence. The truck I leave to work in and come home in. 00:07:55
We have a yard in Peralta. 00:08:02
That we parked the spare truck at and do mechanic work at. No dispatching or major mechanic work is done at our home. This 00:08:05
insanity has to stop. I would hope that the county commissioners, managers and directors acknowledge that we are more than 00:08:09
compliant. 00:08:13
We want nothing more than the freedom to be able to. 00:08:17
To bring our work truck home, same as every other blue collar worker that lives in good Ole estates. We just want this to stop. 00:08:20
Thank you. 00:08:24
Next will be Kaylee. 00:08:31
My name is Kaylee Ward. We wanted to introduce ourselves and give you a face to the infamous 20 Francis Rd. 00:08:44
I grew up here in Valencia County. I attended Valencia High School and I was one of the three valedictorians in 2012. I went on to 00:08:51
attend U&M on the Presidential Scholarship and graduated with my Bachelors in Nursing in 2015. 00:08:57
I'm married to Chase Ward and we have 4 beautiful children, one which joined us just this last Thursday. We volunteer at our local 00:09:03
church, at my daughter's school, and in the community with youth sports. We pride ourselves with being good people, so when we 00:09:09
hear of people slandering our name, we take offense. 00:09:14
I understand there were ill feelings by both parties before we moved in over semi trucks, but their disdain for the previous 00:09:20
owners. 00:09:23
Has been brought on us since day one. We have tried to be good neighbors. We brought them cookies and tried to introduce 00:09:27
ourselves, but they don't care. 00:09:31
The day we moved in, emails were sent to the county with allegations about us. How is it that the moment we moved in, they already 00:09:35
had strong enough dislike for us? 00:09:39
That they felt it was necessary to e-mail the county instead of coming to talk to us. 00:09:43
We have proof that they have been taking pictures of us and sending an e-mail since the day we moved in. There have been a lot of 00:09:48
claims that have been false. We had no idea that they were taking these these pictures and sending in these emails and coming to 00:09:52
these meetings to talk about us. 00:09:57
So now we would like to set some truth. 00:10:02
Daniel had a Mio claims that our realtor requested documentation from them. First of all, we did not have a realtor. We did this 00:10:04
transaction with no Realtors and these documents they claim were requested were never shown to us. 00:10:11
Second, my husband does not blatantly disrespect the neighborhood, as Patricia Jade Mio has declared. She claims he goes down the 00:10:17
road honking his horn, running stop signs, and disobeying the speed limit. This is all false. 00:10:23
The only times he has even honked his corn was horn was for the neighborhood kids. When he was driving by they did the universal 00:10:29
trucker sign. He has been extremely careful and safe through this neighborhood. We even have character letters from our other 00:10:34
neighbors. 00:10:39
That have been sent in regarding his safe driving. I actually find it ironic that I have proof from the neighborhood group text 00:10:44
that Patricia had a meal has admitted to not obeying the new neighborhood or the new four way stop at Loma and Francis because she 00:10:50
has not yet got used to it. They are quick to point fingers at us but they can make a joke about it about the similar situations 00:10:56
in a group in the group thread. 00:11:01
Code enforcement came to our house to test the decibels of the truck we passed in. The neighbors who were speaking against us were 00:11:07
in the street extremely upset. I have the reports from the Code enforcement officers that prove that they were speaking aggressive 00:11:13
and antique antagonistically to my husband and the officers. They said in the meeting in August that they were worried about their 00:11:18
safety and possible retaliation from us. 00:11:24
But what about the proof that we already have that they've been aggressive towards? 00:11:30
We hope and pray this can be resolved and acknowledge that we have been compliant. We want to be able to focus on our kids and 00:11:34
enjoy our new house. Thank you. 00:11:39
Next speaker will be Ben S. 00:11:47
Good evening, Commission. My name is Ben. 00:11:57
I'm a small business owner in this community and. 00:12:01
Understand the struggles of. 00:12:04
Trying to get by with different tough economic times. 00:12:07
I've been a resident of Goodele. 00:12:12
For about 17 years now, me and my wife started our young family. 00:12:16
In that neighborhood. 00:12:20
And for the most part, we've We've enjoyed the neighborhood. 00:12:22
There's things that don't. 00:12:27
Sued our our liking, but we. 00:12:30
We try to get along. I I came here to speak in favor for the Ward family. My observation of their family is they're a good, 00:12:35
wholesome family as they have presented to you. And I can attest to that by the things that I've observed in their works and their 00:12:42
deeds and their. 00:12:49
I've observed Chase Ward being nothing but respectful in our neighborhood as he drives a semi truck. 00:12:57
I see him being very cautious. I've never seen him do anything inappropriate. 00:13:04
I've not bothered at all by the noise that his truck generates and I understand just is is. I had before mentioned the 00:13:09
difficulties of raising a young family. I have 5 young daughters that I. 00:13:16
Concern for their welfare and if someones driving recklessly it upsets. 00:13:24
But that's not the case with the Word family. They're very respectful. 00:13:29
They're just trying to make a living trying to get along and it upsets me, the constant harassment that I hear them going through. 00:13:33
I have not witnessed this harassment first hand, but the things that I've I've been told by others, including the Word family, 00:13:39
upsets me. 00:13:44
See. No problem with the Word family and then trying. 00:13:53
Uh, do their job. I don't see the difference between parking a semi at your truck. 00:13:58
A semi truck at your home, then driving your plumbing truck home. Or your your your truck if it's if you're a framing contractor 00:14:04
and it happens to be a domestic truck. 00:14:08
I personally feel that we. 00:14:15
Kind of outside the city limits and that's why people go outside the city limits where they can have these freedoms and enjoy 00:14:17
being a little bit away from from your neighbors and not being right in the city. I could see a problem if if they were in the 00:14:25
city limits trying to park a semi truck there, but we're on one acre, lots over there for the most part and plenty of room. 00:14:33
Don't have a problem with the Word family at all, and I can attest everything that they've told you to be true. 00:14:41
Next will be SEAG. 00:14:53
High Commission. My name is Sky Sego, and I'd probably just say Ditto because my husband has a good voice and he's well spoken and 00:15:01
I pretty much have the same thing to say, but I'll read a letter that I did write for them. It's kind of heartbreaking. I'm a 00:15:07
nurse in our community and I do home visits for pregnant women all through their pregnancy to their babies too, and it's pretty 00:15:13
heartbreaking the harassment that they've. 00:15:20
Given especially considering that Kaylee has been pregnant through this process. 00:15:27
And I'm sure that took a toll on her pregnancy. 00:15:32
And the delivery of her. 00:15:36
So I'll just read this letter that I wrote. We are writing in regards to Chase and Kaylee Ward family who reside at 20 Francis Rd. 00:15:40
We live at 3 Lumber Rd. In the same community in Greeley Estates. 00:15:45
We have some serious concerns about what we've heard and witness going on in our neighborhood. 00:15:50
I'm also on this community. 00:15:58
And also get the minutes to this meeting just to try to stay involved in the community just because of my role, for my job. 00:16:00
Being as my husband mentioned, being small business owners ourselves, we understand the struggles of trying to make a living in a 00:16:09
difficult economy. We don't appreciate others trying to make struggles of this young family. Even more challenging, we know the 00:16:14
words are not running a business outside of their home, but understand that when cheese comes home from a long day, he should have 00:16:20
the right to drive his truck home just the way that my husband drives his truck home. 00:16:25
We feel that Chase always drives his truck respectfully and cautiously through our neighborhood. He has young children as well. I 00:16:31
don't even hear his truck, honestly. 00:16:35
But my husband also has an insulation contractor, so we have a well insulated home. 00:16:41
We've not noticed additional traffic that's moved in since they've moved in. They also don't have excessive amount of visitors or 00:16:46
traffic that's going down their Rd. that. 00:16:51
Chase and Kaylee Ward moved in our neighborhood less than a year ago. I think they mentioned four months ago, They've been kind 00:16:58
great additions to our neighborhood. We know they have wholesome values and they're good people. For example, we attended a youth 00:17:03
fundraiser and this. 00:17:08
That generous donation. 00:17:55
We believe. 00:17:58
If you consulted with like the majority of our neighbors, I'm long winded. 00:18:00
I have to say Ditto about my husband, what he said and that we think they're good people and shouldn't be harassed the way they 00:18:06
are being. 00:18:09
Thank you. 00:18:12
Next is Emmet. 00:18:16
How's it going? 00:18:23
I'm Emma McLaren, I live on 13 Francis Rd. I live right on the corner of Loma and. 00:18:24
Francis right there where all the traffic. 00:18:29
Nobody stops there, even the stop signs you guys. 00:18:32
Nobody ever does listen. 00:18:36
The. 00:18:39
I didn't even know his name until tonight. Not gonna. 00:18:40
Uh. 00:18:43
Really respectful. The whole family, I mean, since they moved in, they've been over some plight. The guy stopped one day and 00:18:44
helped my mother. 00:18:48
Load some heavy packages, saw her struggling, like overall nice. I mean the best neighbor that you could look for. 00:18:52
The semis driving. 00:19:00
There's never been an issue from them. I mean, there's. 00:19:02
It's love coming from a little guy in a car that rips through that area and no respect. 00:19:07
The semi guys all park in their yards. They're not out there revving them. They're not working them. Late hours a night, early 00:19:12
mornings. I used to work for the prison. 00:19:16
Be up at 2-3 in the morning out there, you'd hear their trucks running. 00:19:21
Barely, I mean. 00:19:24
No louder than any other vehicle that lives in that neighborhood or. 00:19:26
Driving around there for that sense as far as like the overall harassment and stuff that the neighbors. 00:19:30
His situation I heard of is the same as like I've went through personally with a few of these people that are doing this and. 00:19:37
It's never ending and. 00:19:45
For them to have to go through that, especially having new kids. I have kids. I have 4 kids. My kids are the guilty ones, making 00:19:48
them do the horn every time he comes through. 00:19:52
You know, guilty. 00:19:57
They shouldn't have to have that type of has. 00:20:02
Especially it is. 00:20:05
It's hard. It's hard starting out being a young family. 00:20:07
And. 00:20:10
Relentless. I mean, it seems like every other day I'm looking down the road and there's a code enforcement or sheriff's pulling. 00:20:12
Something no longer means up there, just continuously harass. 00:20:20
And that neighborhood's quiet and there's nobody really gives anybody any grief. Everyone's kind of helpful and helps out around 00:20:24
there. 00:20:27
Great. That's why I like living there, the last 10. 00:20:31
So. 00:20:34
I ain't got much to say other than that, like they've been great people unless they moved. 00:20:35
There's been no issues with the trucks. He parked his trucks in the yard. It's not on the road. 00:20:40
I. 00:20:45
And it's pretty well kept. 00:20:45
Overall great. 00:20:48
All right. Next we have Amanda Aragon. 00:20:54
Hello, my name is Amanda Aragon. I live at 26 Yano Road. I also live in Goodalla Estates. I am also one of the truck drivers 00:21:03
wives. We have two trucks at our residence, one for commercial, one for recreational. 00:21:10
We had the same situation happened to us. We moved in in 2007, In 2009 we had to go to court over the same issue. 00:21:17
We went to court, hired an attorney, won our case. 00:21:25
This has gone on long enough, like we have beat our case and now chases the next victim. I think it's inappropriate and how come 00:21:29
it's OK for? 00:21:33
That's to park our stuff there and we won our case without prejudice. 00:21:38
So it can't be revisited. So why is it OK for us to park our semis and chase not? 00:21:42
Chase has. 00:21:48
Doomed from day. 00:21:50
Whether it's. 00:21:51
Parking has. 00:21:52
His dogs, his whatever they can pick on him for, they're gonna pick on him. That is horrible. Who wants to go home to that 00:21:54
everyday? 00:21:58
It's just not right and I don't think it should be allowed. 00:22:02
This is just ridiculous. Like I said, if it's OK for one person to park their semis. 00:22:06
You can't say their grandfather did. 00:22:12
Their grandfather did now because. 00:22:14
They're here. 00:22:17
This has not. 00:22:18
So to say any commercial vehicle should not be allowed in good lay estates is wrong. 00:22:20
It's not right. How do you tell somebody what they can and can't? 00:22:25
In their. 00:22:29
I just feel it's just a bad situation and. 00:22:31
It shouldn't be allowed. It's pure harassment. 00:22:35
Them taking pictures of them. 00:22:38
Going out to their cars, going to. 00:22:40
They're constantly taking pictures. 00:22:45
It's not right. It's an invasion of privacy. It's. 00:22:47
Enough. 00:22:51
I think we need to shut it down and just be done with. 00:22:52
This has gone on for. 00:22:55
Months with the Canes, and now with the words. 00:22:57
And like I said, it happened to us in 2009 and now they're in the same situation. 00:23:00
It's. 00:23:05
How far are we going to let it go? 00:23:07
I appreciate you listening to me. 00:23:09
All right. I don't think we have two of them. 00:23:15
Mr. Siegel, you signed on both sheets. 00:23:17
OK, correct. 00:23:21
All right. 00:23:27
We thank everybody for speaking tonight. 00:23:29
We'd love to hear what's going on in the community. 00:23:33
And get your voices heard for our minutes. So thank you. 00:23:36
Next we'll move on to discussion items. These are non action items from commissioners. Are there any? 00:23:40
Discussion items you'd like to present this evening. 00:23:46
Mr. Chair, Commissioner, Brazil, I would just like to thank our. 00:23:49
State Reps and Our Senators for Coming and Listening to our. 00:23:54
It means a lot for Valencia County to get our projects approved and we need their help to do it. 00:23:58
And if anybody's on Facebook and stuff and they look at that, please call our senators and help us get our stuff funded. 00:24:03
That's how we get projects done in Valenci. 00:24:12
All right, I'd like. 00:24:19
Make a comment. 00:24:21
I just got back Sunday from St. Paul, MN, which. 00:24:23
I don't know why they keep sending me these cold places in the winter, but I attended an ACO event which is National Association 00:24:28
of Counties. I sit on the board of directors for them. 00:24:32
And it's. 00:24:37
Our annual Board of Directors. 00:24:39
I normally don't talk about a whole lot of stuff that goes on at Naco because it's all pretty available to the public. 00:24:44
Umm. 00:24:52
You can research just about anything they do. 00:24:53
I was asked to sit on a. 00:24:56
And and describe what's going on here in Valencia County. Somebody took notice. 00:25:00
And recommended that I sit on this panel. 00:25:06
Talk about what the heck's going on here, because it's going so. 00:25:09
And I was able to, really. 00:25:13
How well our employees are. 00:25:16
Taking direction from our manager. 00:25:18
What's gone on the last 10 years? How we've gone from, you know, a real hard spot. 00:25:21
To. 00:25:27
Really kind of flush with money being able to provide services and we weren't able to provide in the past and it was just a real 00:25:29
honor to be able to talk about the positive things this county, the changes that this county has gone through over the past ten 00:25:34
years or so. 00:25:39
And. 00:25:45
Like I said, I don't know who exactly took notice or recommended that I sit on. 00:25:47
Panel, but it was an absolute pleasure to be able to focus. 00:25:52
The things our employees are making us all look good for. 00:25:56
You know, we say it all the time, but thank you all very much. 00:26:01
You know, just doing. 00:26:05
Amazing job at the things you. 00:26:07
And it's getting noticed at national level, which is. 00:26:10
Pretty amazing, because. 00:26:14
There's. 00:26:15
3033 counties. 00:26:17
And. 00:26:20
4 speakers, We were one of them. 00:26:22
Umm. 00:26:25
Pretty awesome deal, so I'd like to congratulate Valencia County. 00:26:26
One's accounting employees for being spotlighted on the national level this week. 00:26:29
And with that, Mister Monet, do you have anything I'd like to start with, Mr. Montoya. 00:26:38
If I may please, Mr. Chairman. 00:26:43
Good evening, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. I mean that's a perfect segue for our next item of business here. And and 00:26:48
at this moment, I just wanted to, you know, thank the Commission for continually supporting this program and all the other efforts 00:26:54
that we're making to to appreciate our employees and to go out there and recruit new employees. 00:27:00
This is coming up on our 4th. 00:27:07
Of doing employee of the month. So so it's it's really been great and and just thank you guys for supporting our employees. 00:27:10
So with that, I'd like to call up Mr. Meyer, our county assessor. 00:27:17
I don't know. And then also our employee of the month, Nevada. 00:27:23
So I just like to say a few things about. 00:27:35
She's an amazing asset to our office. When I started in January, she kind of sat in the corner and, you know, talk to people if 00:27:39
she had to. We've since moved her to the front window and she has blossomed. 00:27:45
Everybody, all the people that come in the office love her. She's as helpful as she can possibly be to everybody and. 00:27:53
I just can't say enough good words about what she's done for our office. 00:27:59
Congratulations, Nevada. And it's stories like that. You know somebody that was kind of. 00:28:11
You know, in a shell and and just through the work that we do. 00:28:17
You know, they kind of blossom become you. 00:28:21
Highlighted employee within a year, so congratulations real quick, Mr. Chairman. So when we've had holes in other departments like 00:28:25
in the manager's office, we've been able to utilize Nevada and other departments and that's really been a big asset for us to just 00:28:31
be able to shift somebody from what they're normally able to do and come help out you know in the managers or any other 00:28:36
department. So that's just one other point I wanted to put out there. 00:28:42
All right. Anything else, Mr. Monet? Mr. Chairman, if I may, I'd like to thank you for your kind words. 00:28:50
Without a supportive Commission. 00:28:57
And the great employees, it wouldn't be possible. I think we've got a great team between all of us working together, but. 00:28:59
They always say surround yourself with people a lot better than you are and you'll shine. And we have some great employees and it 00:29:06
goes without. 00:29:10
To add on to that, we will have the tree lighting right after this meeting. 00:29:16
And. 00:29:20
Commissioner Aragon's baby for eight years. 00:29:22
And. 00:29:25
Please stick around if you have time for that. There'll be coffee, hot chocolate and some snacks. 00:29:26
The county Christmas party will be tomorrow. We'll be shutting the offices at noon. We'll start serving food at 1:00. 00:29:32
And I will be out Friday and Monday, and that is all I have at this time, Mr. Chairman. 00:29:38
All right. Any other comments by commissioners? 00:29:43
OK, with that we will move, we need to go into executive session. 00:29:48
Mr. ***** could you please state the reasons for executive session tonight? 00:29:53
Certainly, Mr. Chairman, pursuant to section 1015 One H, the following matters may be discussed in closed session. 00:29:57
Under competitive sealed proposals 10/15 one H. 00:30:06
RFP 2212 Valencia County Hospital under Penny or Threatened Litigation 10/15 One H7M RGCD versus Board of County Commissioners at 00:30:10
all. 00:30:15
We need a motion to go into executive session for the state of reasons to move motion for Commissioner Brazil second, second from 00:30:22
Commissioner Richardson, any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:30:27
Commissioner Richardson, Eddie vote yes, Commissioner Brazil, yes, Mr. Sparkman, yes, Commissioner. Size, yes, and I will, yes. 00:30:32
Your backlight. 00:30:44
Thank you, Tess. 00:30:48
I need a motion to go back into regular session moved second. We have a motion in the second. Is there any discussion on the 00:30:49
motion and 2nd? 00:30:53
Mission Richardson. 00:30:56
Brazil, yes, Commissioner Sparkman, yes, and I vote yes, and let the record reflect that Commissioner size has left for the 00:30:59
evening. 00:31:03
Umm. 00:31:08
All right. Mr. Monet, could you give us a summary of the items discussed in closed session? Mr. Chairman, Commissioner, is the 00:31:09
only items discussed in executive session where competitive seal build proposals 10-15-1. 00:31:15
VCR FY22-012 Lincoln County Hospital. 00:31:21
And MRG CD This is threatening pending litigation 10-15-1 MRGCD versus BOCC. 00:31:26
And no final action was. 00:31:37
OK, we need a motion to ratify. No action was taken in the executive session. 00:31:39
The motion Commissioner Brazil, a second Commissioner Richardson. 00:31:44
Any discussion on the motion and. 00:31:48
If you're interested in how do you vote? 00:31:50
Commissioner Bedell, Commissioner Sparkman, yes. 00:31:53
And I will. 00:31:55
OK. 00:31:58
And there's no need for any action. 00:32:00
OK. 00:32:03
So moving back to action items, we have item number six consideration of an MOA with Tierra Grande Improvement Association for the 00:32:05
improvements of certain county roadways. 00:32:10
In Tierra Grande, Lena Benavides chairman. Good evening, commissioners, I'm here for consideration of an MOA for improvements to 00:32:15
Tara Grande Roadways. 00:32:19
They will be providing the county with some fun, will contribute twenty $20,000 in material to assist with some of the road 00:32:24
repairs in the Tedagonde area as we are available. 00:32:29
To do those repairs. 00:32:35
In their area. 00:32:37
And I recommend. 00:32:39
There any questions of Miss Benavides on this item? 00:32:41
None. Is there a motion, Mr. 00:32:46
Mr. Sparkler, move to approve the motion. You have a motion for approval from Commissioner Sparkman on the recommendation second, 00:32:48
second from Commissioner Brazil, any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:32:54
Commissioner Richardson, how do you vote yes, Commissioner Brazil, Commissioner Sparkman, and I vote yes. 00:33:00
All right, action item number seven. We have appointment of three freeholders for the county as a. 00:33:18
As Rd. viewers to evaluate the vacation of 1212 Rivas Rd. In Las Limas. 00:33:24
Again, I'm here for appointment of this Commission of three freeholders to review and evaluate the vacation request at 1212 Rivas 00:33:31
Rd. 00:33:35
The four individuals are pretty much the same, except for one is Michelle Merrill, Charles Eaton, John Clemens and Sue Moran has 00:33:39
accepted. 00:33:44
To assist us with this as well, as long as there's no confrontation because she's a PNC Commissioner, there is not. But Mr. 00:33:51
Chairman, I just wanted to set out the process if I could presume to 6754, unless Adrian already has. 00:33:56
So pursuant to the state statute, in order to vacate a road, the support of county commissioners has to appoint 3 freeholders to 00:34:02
go out and view the road and that those 3 freeholders to come back and make a report to the board either recommending vacation or 00:34:07
not recommending vacation. 00:34:11
And where is reb? 00:34:18
It's alcohol. 00:34:21
So more. 00:34:23
All right. Are there any questions, Miss Benavides, on these? 00:34:27
Freeholders we've used in the. 00:34:31
Known as their recommendation, Mr. 00:34:34
Mr. Brazil, I'd like to make a motion to approve the three or the four with the alternate. We do a motion for approval second. 00:34:36
2nd From Commissioner Richardson, any discussion on the motion and. 00:34:43
Mr. Richardson. 00:34:48
Yes, Commissioner, Brazil. 00:34:49
Commissioner Sparkman, yes, and I vote yes. Thank you, Chairman, Commissioners. 00:34:51
OK, you have one more. 00:34:56
Item number 8 is approval for a Geo bond funds in the amount of. 00:35:01
$980,391.84 and request for an additional $1 million to complete. 00:35:06
Phase one of LCR Mission Blvd. Miss Benavides. 00:35:12
Chairman, Commissioners, I have put in a. 00:35:20
For some additional funds to assist with El Settle Mission Blvd. I do request this time it be tabled. There's some issues that we 00:35:23
need to look at and some funding before we move forward on this. 00:35:28
OK. 00:35:34
Is there a motion to that effect from Commissioners? Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion to table item eight. We have a motion to 00:35:35
table from Commissioner Richardson, second from Commissioner Brazil, any discussion on the motion and. 00:35:41
Mr. Richardson, how do you vote? Yes, thank you. 00:35:48
Thanks Dan, who will revisit that at a later date. 00:35:54
Item number 9 is Approval of recognition and recording of accounts payable and Payroll disbursements. Missus Trujillo. Good 00:35:58
evening Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, I have two accounts payable and two payroll disbursements for your consideration. The first 00:36:05
accounts payable authorization is for the period October 7th through October 31st. 00:36:11
2023 in the amount of $1,687,103.42. 00:36:18
And just as. 00:36:28
To make you aware, this is all funds. It's not just from our general fund, it's ARPA. It's all the funds that we have all 00:36:31
together. These are our expenses for the month. 00:36:35
The second Accounts Payable authorization. 00:36:40
Is for the period November 1st through November 29, 2023 in the amount of $1,726,132.61. 00:36:44
And I'll continue with the payroll authorizations. The first payroll authorization is for wages paid on October 6th, 2023 in the 00:36:58
amount of 740 thousand $740,687.10. 00:37:07
And the second payroll authorization is for wages paid on October 20th, 2023 in the amount of 770 dollars $234.27. 00:37:16
And I stand for any questions on any of these items and I do recommend approval of the items, Any questions of Mrs. Trujillo on 00:37:28
these, on these items? 00:37:33
If none is there. 00:37:39
Sure. I'd like to make a motion to approve as presented. We have a motion from Commissioner Richardson, a second from Commissioner 00:37:41
Bissell, any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:37:45
Commissioner Richardson, how do you vote yes, Commissioner Brazil, Commissioner Sparkman, and I vote yes. 00:37:50
Hey, item number ten, approval of Resolution 2023 state. 00:38:24
Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, I'd like to bring a couple of the bars to your attention. 00:38:29
The third item down which is BMS Fund 20400 to County Roads. 00:38:36
This is the. 00:38:43
Lena just presented to you all for Tierra Grande improvements. So it is included in our bars for approval. 00:38:44
On the second page. 00:38:53
There's an item in LGBMS fund 222600 for the jail and detention. 00:38:56
And it is in the amount. 00:39:03
$700,000, and I just want to bring that to your attention. This was approved by you, all of the Board of County Commissioners. 00:39:06
On. 00:39:15
8/16/2023 which was August 16th and this is a transfer in from the general fund to complete the expansion of the detention center. 00:39:17
So this is coming before you right now as a bar to add it to our budget and other than that. 00:39:25
We had quite a few grants that we had we had to add to our. 00:39:34
Issue bars for and I stand for any questions you may have on these items. 00:39:39
OK. Any questions of Mr. Hill on this State Bar? 00:39:44
If none, is there a motion? 00:39:50
That's my question. To prove as presented. We have a motion for approval from Commissioner Brazil, second, second from 00:39:52
Commissioner Richardson. 00:39:55
Any discussion on the motion and 2nd Commissioner Richardson, any vote? Yes, Commissioner Brazil, yes, Mr. Sparkman, yes, and I 00:39:58
vote yes. 00:40:02
Mr. Chairman and Commissioners, this resolution is 2023 Dash 82. 00:40:07
All right. And finally, item number 11, approval of a resolution for local bars. 00:40:27
Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, is our standard bars moving money from one line item to another within the same fund. So they do 00:40:33
require your approval, but not. 00:40:38
The state's approval, I don't see anything unusual that we added to this, but I do stand for any questions you may have and I do 00:40:44
recommend approval of these as well. 00:40:48
Any questions, Mr. Trio, on these on these bars? 00:40:53
None. Is there a motion? 00:40:57
Let's make a motion to approve Sir motion for approval from Commissioner Brazil, second from Commissioner Richardson. 00:40:58
Any discussion on the motion? 00:41:04
Commissioner Richardson, how do you vote? Yes, Commissioner Brazil. 00:41:06
Brooklyn Yes. No. 00:41:10
Thank you all. Thank you, Mr. 00:41:12
Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, this resolution IS2023-83. 00:41:14
All right. So before we leave, I'd like to mention some upcoming Commission meetings. 00:41:32
December 20th, 2023 we have a public hearing slash business. 00:41:38
At 5:00. 00:41:42
Here in the blunt county. 00:41:45
In January 3rd, 2023, we have our reorganizational business meeting. 00:41:47
Also at 5:00. 00:41:52
Here in the Commission. 00:41:54
Right now following this meeting, we're going to have our annual Christmas tree lighting, so anybody in attendance? 00:41:56
Join us for that. 00:42:02
And if you live close, you're on Facebook Live. Come on down to the courthouse and we've got. 00:42:04
Hot chocolate and cookies, I think out there. 00:42:11
We'd love for you all to celebrate this yearly event with. 00:42:13
And are there any closing comments by fellow commissioners? 00:42:18
If not, we are adjourned. Thank you. 00:42:23
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Minutes/Exhibits Minutes Document
All right. Good evening, everybody. Today is December 6th, 2023. 00:00:10
This is a 5:00 business meeting of the Valencia County Commission. 00:00:15
And if I could have Jess and his guests please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance tonight. 00:00:19
Ideally, institute reply of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. 00:00:31
One nation under God. 00:00:38
Indivisible with liberty and justice. 00:00:41
Or. 00:00:49
All right. Thank you very much for that, Mister. 00:00:50
All right, before we move any further, if anyone has their cell phones turned on, if you could at this time, silence those. 00:00:54
Eliminating distraction for our meeting, we definitely appreciate that. 00:01:02
And I'm sure as you can tell, I'm not commissioner size, but he is. 00:01:08
Asked me to chair this meeting because he may have to leave a little bit early tonight, so. 00:01:13
Bear with me, it's been a while. 00:01:17
And I thank you for that. 00:01:19
All right. So next is the approval of the agenda. We've had this agenda for several days. 00:01:22
Is there any changes to the agenda as presented by Commissioners, Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make. 00:01:26
Motion that we move our executive session. 00:01:35
To right before we start our action items, which would be prior to item number six on our agenda if there's. 00:01:39
If the rescue Commission doesn't have an issue with that. 00:01:46
Any other changes Comm. 00:01:50
Mr. Monette no other changes, Mr. 00:01:52
All right. 00:01:55
So we have a recommendation for approval. 00:01:56
An amendment moving our executive session just before action items. 00:01:59
Is there a motion to support that so moved? I can't have a motion from Commissioner size, second from Commissioner Bozell, any 00:02:03
discussion on the motion and 2nd? 00:02:08
Commissioner Richardson, that evoked yes, Commissioner Buzzell, Commissioner Sparkman, Commissioner Size and I vote. 00:02:14
OK. Next is the approval of minutes. 00:02:23
We have two sets of minutes which I'm going to ask if we. 00:02:25
Take action on separately since I was not here for one of. 00:02:29
The first is 11/15/2023. It was a public hearing slash business meeting. 00:02:33
Those minutes have been in our pack. 00:02:39
Are there any changes to those minutes by? 00:02:42
Mr. Monette, no. 00:02:45
Mr. 00:02:48
Commissioner Brazil, I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes as presented. They have a motion to approve by Commissioner 00:02:49
Brazil, second, second by Commissioner Sparkman, any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:02:54
Commissioner Richardson, how do you vote? 00:02:59
Yes, Commissioner, Brazil, yes, Commissioner, sparkling. 00:03:01
Commissioner size, yes, and I will. 00:03:04
All right. Well, that gets signed. We're going to move on to. 00:03:33
Number 11/28/2023. 00:03:39
There's an ICIP workshop. 00:03:41
Those Minutes have also been in our package. Are there any changes from those Commissioners? 00:03:44
We approve as presented. We have a motion for approval from commissioner size. 00:03:50
Commissioner Bissell. 00:03:55
Any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:03:56
Commissioner Richardson, your vote. Yes. Commissioner Brazil, yes. Commissioner Sparkman, yes. Commissioner. Size, yes, and I will 00:03:58
abstain. 00:04:01
OK. Moving on, we have public comment. 00:04:37
I have a list here of names of folks. 00:04:41
Be speaking for public comment. 00:04:44
I'd like to run through a few of the ground rules. We've got a time limit. Your time will be started here on this clock. 00:04:47
Once you state your name. 00:04:53
Once that buzzer goes off, I'll ask you to sit down, even if you're if you have more to say. 00:04:55
You can come back at a later meeting and finish that. 00:05:01
Also, if you do have more to say, you can also e-mail those comments to. 00:05:04
Armed county manager and he'll get those input into the minutes as well. 00:05:11
If you can come up, state your name. 00:05:15
Whether you're a Blunt County resident or not. 00:05:18
And keep your comments directed to the Commission. We'd appreciate that. Don't engage anybody. 00:05:21
Audience would appreciate. 00:05:29
So our first name tonight is going to be Chase. 00:05:32
Good evening County Commission. My name is Chase Ward. I grew up just a little introduction myself. I grew up in a small farm in 00:05:47
southeastern Arizona. I attended Eastern Arizona College where I met my wife. I later attended New Mexico State University where I 00:05:52
earned my bachelor's in pre Med animal science. 00:05:56
I live at 20 Francis here in Valencia County. 00:06:03
In the short four months we have lived in our new home, we have been a target of scrutiny. The neighbors constantly are taking 00:06:06
pictures of our every move. They bought burner phones to harass me every morning I start the truck to go to and from work. 00:06:13
They've even gone as far as following. 00:06:20
To see where I go throughout. 00:06:22
We had a friend stop by who is a mobile mechanic to get some eggs. 00:06:24
Even opened a toolbox, but the neighbors snapped pictures of him and sent it. 00:06:29
And stated that we had a mechanic at our house. My father-in-law came by 1 evening with his trailer and personal truck and sure 00:06:34
enough an e-mail was seen about that as well. 00:06:38
About men being in our house, trying to load stuff and pulling the wool over the county's eyes, which is not true. 00:06:42
They have become obsessed with, obsessed with trying to prove something that. 00:06:48
Isn't true. 00:06:52
And it's made our lives miserable. We don't feel comfortable in our home. They hide behind their walls and video us. 00:06:53
Do they have pictures of our kids? I don't. 00:06:58
It's sad that a young family has buyer's remorse because of a few neighbors. They claim they are coming to the county as 00:07:01
representatives of the neighborhood to ban semi trucks, but in truth, the majority of the people who reside in Google estate 00:07:05
support us and the rest of the truckers. 00:07:09
We have a petition that was signed by 27 residents. 00:07:14
That state they do not view us as a nuisance and do not care that we park our cemetery semi truck at our home on our property. 00:07:17
One of these neighbors has even brought it upon themselves to send certified letters to other semi truck drivers in the 00:07:26
neighborhood stating that they cannot have their semis at their homes. 00:07:30
They use these certified letters as a scare tactic to bully the neighbors. They even sign it from the residents of Goodele states, 00:07:34
which is false and in my opinion, forgery. 00:07:39
The previous owners were granted permission to park one truck and one trailer. Here at 20 Francis, they were told that their case 00:07:44
was closed. Per Melissa had a mile. 00:07:48
The e-mail was sent in July of this year and should be carried over to. 00:07:52
We are currently only parking 1 semi truck at our residence. The truck I leave to work in and come home in. 00:07:55
We have a yard in Peralta. 00:08:02
That we parked the spare truck at and do mechanic work at. No dispatching or major mechanic work is done at our home. This 00:08:05
insanity has to stop. I would hope that the county commissioners, managers and directors acknowledge that we are more than 00:08:09
compliant. 00:08:13
We want nothing more than the freedom to be able to. 00:08:17
To bring our work truck home, same as every other blue collar worker that lives in good Ole estates. We just want this to stop. 00:08:20
Thank you. 00:08:24
Next will be Kaylee. 00:08:31
My name is Kaylee Ward. We wanted to introduce ourselves and give you a face to the infamous 20 Francis Rd. 00:08:44
I grew up here in Valencia County. I attended Valencia High School and I was one of the three valedictorians in 2012. I went on to 00:08:51
attend U&M on the Presidential Scholarship and graduated with my Bachelors in Nursing in 2015. 00:08:57
I'm married to Chase Ward and we have 4 beautiful children, one which joined us just this last Thursday. We volunteer at our local 00:09:03
church, at my daughter's school, and in the community with youth sports. We pride ourselves with being good people, so when we 00:09:09
hear of people slandering our name, we take offense. 00:09:14
I understand there were ill feelings by both parties before we moved in over semi trucks, but their disdain for the previous 00:09:20
owners. 00:09:23
Has been brought on us since day one. We have tried to be good neighbors. We brought them cookies and tried to introduce 00:09:27
ourselves, but they don't care. 00:09:31
The day we moved in, emails were sent to the county with allegations about us. How is it that the moment we moved in, they already 00:09:35
had strong enough dislike for us? 00:09:39
That they felt it was necessary to e-mail the county instead of coming to talk to us. 00:09:43
We have proof that they have been taking pictures of us and sending an e-mail since the day we moved in. There have been a lot of 00:09:48
claims that have been false. We had no idea that they were taking these these pictures and sending in these emails and coming to 00:09:52
these meetings to talk about us. 00:09:57
So now we would like to set some truth. 00:10:02
Daniel had a Mio claims that our realtor requested documentation from them. First of all, we did not have a realtor. We did this 00:10:04
transaction with no Realtors and these documents they claim were requested were never shown to us. 00:10:11
Second, my husband does not blatantly disrespect the neighborhood, as Patricia Jade Mio has declared. She claims he goes down the 00:10:17
road honking his horn, running stop signs, and disobeying the speed limit. This is all false. 00:10:23
The only times he has even honked his corn was horn was for the neighborhood kids. When he was driving by they did the universal 00:10:29
trucker sign. He has been extremely careful and safe through this neighborhood. We even have character letters from our other 00:10:34
neighbors. 00:10:39
That have been sent in regarding his safe driving. I actually find it ironic that I have proof from the neighborhood group text 00:10:44
that Patricia had a meal has admitted to not obeying the new neighborhood or the new four way stop at Loma and Francis because she 00:10:50
has not yet got used to it. They are quick to point fingers at us but they can make a joke about it about the similar situations 00:10:56
in a group in the group thread. 00:11:01
Code enforcement came to our house to test the decibels of the truck we passed in. The neighbors who were speaking against us were 00:11:07
in the street extremely upset. I have the reports from the Code enforcement officers that prove that they were speaking aggressive 00:11:13
and antique antagonistically to my husband and the officers. They said in the meeting in August that they were worried about their 00:11:18
safety and possible retaliation from us. 00:11:24
But what about the proof that we already have that they've been aggressive towards? 00:11:30
We hope and pray this can be resolved and acknowledge that we have been compliant. We want to be able to focus on our kids and 00:11:34
enjoy our new house. Thank you. 00:11:39
Next speaker will be Ben S. 00:11:47
Good evening, Commission. My name is Ben. 00:11:57
I'm a small business owner in this community and. 00:12:01
Understand the struggles of. 00:12:04
Trying to get by with different tough economic times. 00:12:07
I've been a resident of Goodele. 00:12:12
For about 17 years now, me and my wife started our young family. 00:12:16
In that neighborhood. 00:12:20
And for the most part, we've We've enjoyed the neighborhood. 00:12:22
There's things that don't. 00:12:27
Sued our our liking, but we. 00:12:30
We try to get along. I I came here to speak in favor for the Ward family. My observation of their family is they're a good, 00:12:35
wholesome family as they have presented to you. And I can attest to that by the things that I've observed in their works and their 00:12:42
deeds and their. 00:12:49
I've observed Chase Ward being nothing but respectful in our neighborhood as he drives a semi truck. 00:12:57
I see him being very cautious. I've never seen him do anything inappropriate. 00:13:04
I've not bothered at all by the noise that his truck generates and I understand just is is. I had before mentioned the 00:13:09
difficulties of raising a young family. I have 5 young daughters that I. 00:13:16
Concern for their welfare and if someones driving recklessly it upsets. 00:13:24
But that's not the case with the Word family. They're very respectful. 00:13:29
They're just trying to make a living trying to get along and it upsets me, the constant harassment that I hear them going through. 00:13:33
I have not witnessed this harassment first hand, but the things that I've I've been told by others, including the Word family, 00:13:39
upsets me. 00:13:44
See. No problem with the Word family and then trying. 00:13:53
Uh, do their job. I don't see the difference between parking a semi at your truck. 00:13:58
A semi truck at your home, then driving your plumbing truck home. Or your your your truck if it's if you're a framing contractor 00:14:04
and it happens to be a domestic truck. 00:14:08
I personally feel that we. 00:14:15
Kind of outside the city limits and that's why people go outside the city limits where they can have these freedoms and enjoy 00:14:17
being a little bit away from from your neighbors and not being right in the city. I could see a problem if if they were in the 00:14:25
city limits trying to park a semi truck there, but we're on one acre, lots over there for the most part and plenty of room. 00:14:33
Don't have a problem with the Word family at all, and I can attest everything that they've told you to be true. 00:14:41
Next will be SEAG. 00:14:53
High Commission. My name is Sky Sego, and I'd probably just say Ditto because my husband has a good voice and he's well spoken and 00:15:01
I pretty much have the same thing to say, but I'll read a letter that I did write for them. It's kind of heartbreaking. I'm a 00:15:07
nurse in our community and I do home visits for pregnant women all through their pregnancy to their babies too, and it's pretty 00:15:13
heartbreaking the harassment that they've. 00:15:20
Given especially considering that Kaylee has been pregnant through this process. 00:15:27
And I'm sure that took a toll on her pregnancy. 00:15:32
And the delivery of her. 00:15:36
So I'll just read this letter that I wrote. We are writing in regards to Chase and Kaylee Ward family who reside at 20 Francis Rd. 00:15:40
We live at 3 Lumber Rd. In the same community in Greeley Estates. 00:15:45
We have some serious concerns about what we've heard and witness going on in our neighborhood. 00:15:50
I'm also on this community. 00:15:58
And also get the minutes to this meeting just to try to stay involved in the community just because of my role, for my job. 00:16:00
Being as my husband mentioned, being small business owners ourselves, we understand the struggles of trying to make a living in a 00:16:09
difficult economy. We don't appreciate others trying to make struggles of this young family. Even more challenging, we know the 00:16:14
words are not running a business outside of their home, but understand that when cheese comes home from a long day, he should have 00:16:20
the right to drive his truck home just the way that my husband drives his truck home. 00:16:25
We feel that Chase always drives his truck respectfully and cautiously through our neighborhood. He has young children as well. I 00:16:31
don't even hear his truck, honestly. 00:16:35
But my husband also has an insulation contractor, so we have a well insulated home. 00:16:41
We've not noticed additional traffic that's moved in since they've moved in. They also don't have excessive amount of visitors or 00:16:46
traffic that's going down their Rd. that. 00:16:51
Chase and Kaylee Ward moved in our neighborhood less than a year ago. I think they mentioned four months ago, They've been kind 00:16:58
great additions to our neighborhood. We know they have wholesome values and they're good people. For example, we attended a youth 00:17:03
fundraiser and this. 00:17:08
That generous donation. 00:17:55
We believe. 00:17:58
If you consulted with like the majority of our neighbors, I'm long winded. 00:18:00
I have to say Ditto about my husband, what he said and that we think they're good people and shouldn't be harassed the way they 00:18:06
are being. 00:18:09
Thank you. 00:18:12
Next is Emmet. 00:18:16
How's it going? 00:18:23
I'm Emma McLaren, I live on 13 Francis Rd. I live right on the corner of Loma and. 00:18:24
Francis right there where all the traffic. 00:18:29
Nobody stops there, even the stop signs you guys. 00:18:32
Nobody ever does listen. 00:18:36
The. 00:18:39
I didn't even know his name until tonight. Not gonna. 00:18:40
Uh. 00:18:43
Really respectful. The whole family, I mean, since they moved in, they've been over some plight. The guy stopped one day and 00:18:44
helped my mother. 00:18:48
Load some heavy packages, saw her struggling, like overall nice. I mean the best neighbor that you could look for. 00:18:52
The semis driving. 00:19:00
There's never been an issue from them. I mean, there's. 00:19:02
It's love coming from a little guy in a car that rips through that area and no respect. 00:19:07
The semi guys all park in their yards. They're not out there revving them. They're not working them. Late hours a night, early 00:19:12
mornings. I used to work for the prison. 00:19:16
Be up at 2-3 in the morning out there, you'd hear their trucks running. 00:19:21
Barely, I mean. 00:19:24
No louder than any other vehicle that lives in that neighborhood or. 00:19:26
Driving around there for that sense as far as like the overall harassment and stuff that the neighbors. 00:19:30
His situation I heard of is the same as like I've went through personally with a few of these people that are doing this and. 00:19:37
It's never ending and. 00:19:45
For them to have to go through that, especially having new kids. I have kids. I have 4 kids. My kids are the guilty ones, making 00:19:48
them do the horn every time he comes through. 00:19:52
You know, guilty. 00:19:57
They shouldn't have to have that type of has. 00:20:02
Especially it is. 00:20:05
It's hard. It's hard starting out being a young family. 00:20:07
And. 00:20:10
Relentless. I mean, it seems like every other day I'm looking down the road and there's a code enforcement or sheriff's pulling. 00:20:12
Something no longer means up there, just continuously harass. 00:20:20
And that neighborhood's quiet and there's nobody really gives anybody any grief. Everyone's kind of helpful and helps out around 00:20:24
there. 00:20:27
Great. That's why I like living there, the last 10. 00:20:31
So. 00:20:34
I ain't got much to say other than that, like they've been great people unless they moved. 00:20:35
There's been no issues with the trucks. He parked his trucks in the yard. It's not on the road. 00:20:40
I. 00:20:45
And it's pretty well kept. 00:20:45
Overall great. 00:20:48
All right. Next we have Amanda Aragon. 00:20:54
Hello, my name is Amanda Aragon. I live at 26 Yano Road. I also live in Goodalla Estates. I am also one of the truck drivers 00:21:03
wives. We have two trucks at our residence, one for commercial, one for recreational. 00:21:10
We had the same situation happened to us. We moved in in 2007, In 2009 we had to go to court over the same issue. 00:21:17
We went to court, hired an attorney, won our case. 00:21:25
This has gone on long enough, like we have beat our case and now chases the next victim. I think it's inappropriate and how come 00:21:29
it's OK for? 00:21:33
That's to park our stuff there and we won our case without prejudice. 00:21:38
So it can't be revisited. So why is it OK for us to park our semis and chase not? 00:21:42
Chase has. 00:21:48
Doomed from day. 00:21:50
Whether it's. 00:21:51
Parking has. 00:21:52
His dogs, his whatever they can pick on him for, they're gonna pick on him. That is horrible. Who wants to go home to that 00:21:54
everyday? 00:21:58
It's just not right and I don't think it should be allowed. 00:22:02
This is just ridiculous. Like I said, if it's OK for one person to park their semis. 00:22:06
You can't say their grandfather did. 00:22:12
Their grandfather did now because. 00:22:14
They're here. 00:22:17
This has not. 00:22:18
So to say any commercial vehicle should not be allowed in good lay estates is wrong. 00:22:20
It's not right. How do you tell somebody what they can and can't? 00:22:25
In their. 00:22:29
I just feel it's just a bad situation and. 00:22:31
It shouldn't be allowed. It's pure harassment. 00:22:35
Them taking pictures of them. 00:22:38
Going out to their cars, going to. 00:22:40
They're constantly taking pictures. 00:22:45
It's not right. It's an invasion of privacy. It's. 00:22:47
Enough. 00:22:51
I think we need to shut it down and just be done with. 00:22:52
This has gone on for. 00:22:55
Months with the Canes, and now with the words. 00:22:57
And like I said, it happened to us in 2009 and now they're in the same situation. 00:23:00
It's. 00:23:05
How far are we going to let it go? 00:23:07
I appreciate you listening to me. 00:23:09
All right. I don't think we have two of them. 00:23:15
Mr. Siegel, you signed on both sheets. 00:23:17
OK, correct. 00:23:21
All right. 00:23:27
We thank everybody for speaking tonight. 00:23:29
We'd love to hear what's going on in the community. 00:23:33
And get your voices heard for our minutes. So thank you. 00:23:36
Next we'll move on to discussion items. These are non action items from commissioners. Are there any? 00:23:40
Discussion items you'd like to present this evening. 00:23:46
Mr. Chair, Commissioner, Brazil, I would just like to thank our. 00:23:49
State Reps and Our Senators for Coming and Listening to our. 00:23:54
It means a lot for Valencia County to get our projects approved and we need their help to do it. 00:23:58
And if anybody's on Facebook and stuff and they look at that, please call our senators and help us get our stuff funded. 00:24:03
That's how we get projects done in Valenci. 00:24:12
All right, I'd like. 00:24:19
Make a comment. 00:24:21
I just got back Sunday from St. Paul, MN, which. 00:24:23
I don't know why they keep sending me these cold places in the winter, but I attended an ACO event which is National Association 00:24:28
of Counties. I sit on the board of directors for them. 00:24:32
And it's. 00:24:37
Our annual Board of Directors. 00:24:39
I normally don't talk about a whole lot of stuff that goes on at Naco because it's all pretty available to the public. 00:24:44
Umm. 00:24:52
You can research just about anything they do. 00:24:53
I was asked to sit on a. 00:24:56
And and describe what's going on here in Valencia County. Somebody took notice. 00:25:00
And recommended that I sit on this panel. 00:25:06
Talk about what the heck's going on here, because it's going so. 00:25:09
And I was able to, really. 00:25:13
How well our employees are. 00:25:16
Taking direction from our manager. 00:25:18
What's gone on the last 10 years? How we've gone from, you know, a real hard spot. 00:25:21
To. 00:25:27
Really kind of flush with money being able to provide services and we weren't able to provide in the past and it was just a real 00:25:29
honor to be able to talk about the positive things this county, the changes that this county has gone through over the past ten 00:25:34
years or so. 00:25:39
And. 00:25:45
Like I said, I don't know who exactly took notice or recommended that I sit on. 00:25:47
Panel, but it was an absolute pleasure to be able to focus. 00:25:52
The things our employees are making us all look good for. 00:25:56
You know, we say it all the time, but thank you all very much. 00:26:01
You know, just doing. 00:26:05
Amazing job at the things you. 00:26:07
And it's getting noticed at national level, which is. 00:26:10
Pretty amazing, because. 00:26:14
There's. 00:26:15
3033 counties. 00:26:17
And. 00:26:20
4 speakers, We were one of them. 00:26:22
Umm. 00:26:25
Pretty awesome deal, so I'd like to congratulate Valencia County. 00:26:26
One's accounting employees for being spotlighted on the national level this week. 00:26:29
And with that, Mister Monet, do you have anything I'd like to start with, Mr. Montoya. 00:26:38
If I may please, Mr. Chairman. 00:26:43
Good evening, Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission. I mean that's a perfect segue for our next item of business here. And and 00:26:48
at this moment, I just wanted to, you know, thank the Commission for continually supporting this program and all the other efforts 00:26:54
that we're making to to appreciate our employees and to go out there and recruit new employees. 00:27:00
This is coming up on our 4th. 00:27:07
Of doing employee of the month. So so it's it's really been great and and just thank you guys for supporting our employees. 00:27:10
So with that, I'd like to call up Mr. Meyer, our county assessor. 00:27:17
I don't know. And then also our employee of the month, Nevada. 00:27:23
So I just like to say a few things about. 00:27:35
She's an amazing asset to our office. When I started in January, she kind of sat in the corner and, you know, talk to people if 00:27:39
she had to. We've since moved her to the front window and she has blossomed. 00:27:45
Everybody, all the people that come in the office love her. She's as helpful as she can possibly be to everybody and. 00:27:53
I just can't say enough good words about what she's done for our office. 00:27:59
Congratulations, Nevada. And it's stories like that. You know somebody that was kind of. 00:28:11
You know, in a shell and and just through the work that we do. 00:28:17
You know, they kind of blossom become you. 00:28:21
Highlighted employee within a year, so congratulations real quick, Mr. Chairman. So when we've had holes in other departments like 00:28:25
in the manager's office, we've been able to utilize Nevada and other departments and that's really been a big asset for us to just 00:28:31
be able to shift somebody from what they're normally able to do and come help out you know in the managers or any other 00:28:36
department. So that's just one other point I wanted to put out there. 00:28:42
All right. Anything else, Mr. Monet? Mr. Chairman, if I may, I'd like to thank you for your kind words. 00:28:50
Without a supportive Commission. 00:28:57
And the great employees, it wouldn't be possible. I think we've got a great team between all of us working together, but. 00:28:59
They always say surround yourself with people a lot better than you are and you'll shine. And we have some great employees and it 00:29:06
goes without. 00:29:10
To add on to that, we will have the tree lighting right after this meeting. 00:29:16
And. 00:29:20
Commissioner Aragon's baby for eight years. 00:29:22
And. 00:29:25
Please stick around if you have time for that. There'll be coffee, hot chocolate and some snacks. 00:29:26
The county Christmas party will be tomorrow. We'll be shutting the offices at noon. We'll start serving food at 1:00. 00:29:32
And I will be out Friday and Monday, and that is all I have at this time, Mr. Chairman. 00:29:38
All right. Any other comments by commissioners? 00:29:43
OK, with that we will move, we need to go into executive session. 00:29:48
Mr. ***** could you please state the reasons for executive session tonight? 00:29:53
Certainly, Mr. Chairman, pursuant to section 1015 One H, the following matters may be discussed in closed session. 00:29:57
Under competitive sealed proposals 10/15 one H. 00:30:06
RFP 2212 Valencia County Hospital under Penny or Threatened Litigation 10/15 One H7M RGCD versus Board of County Commissioners at 00:30:10
all. 00:30:15
We need a motion to go into executive session for the state of reasons to move motion for Commissioner Brazil second, second from 00:30:22
Commissioner Richardson, any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:30:27
Commissioner Richardson, Eddie vote yes, Commissioner Brazil, yes, Mr. Sparkman, yes, Commissioner. Size, yes, and I will, yes. 00:30:32
Your backlight. 00:30:44
Thank you, Tess. 00:30:48
I need a motion to go back into regular session moved second. We have a motion in the second. Is there any discussion on the 00:30:49
motion and 2nd? 00:30:53
Mission Richardson. 00:30:56
Brazil, yes, Commissioner Sparkman, yes, and I vote yes, and let the record reflect that Commissioner size has left for the 00:30:59
evening. 00:31:03
Umm. 00:31:08
All right. Mr. Monet, could you give us a summary of the items discussed in closed session? Mr. Chairman, Commissioner, is the 00:31:09
only items discussed in executive session where competitive seal build proposals 10-15-1. 00:31:15
VCR FY22-012 Lincoln County Hospital. 00:31:21
And MRG CD This is threatening pending litigation 10-15-1 MRGCD versus BOCC. 00:31:26
And no final action was. 00:31:37
OK, we need a motion to ratify. No action was taken in the executive session. 00:31:39
The motion Commissioner Brazil, a second Commissioner Richardson. 00:31:44
Any discussion on the motion and. 00:31:48
If you're interested in how do you vote? 00:31:50
Commissioner Bedell, Commissioner Sparkman, yes. 00:31:53
And I will. 00:31:55
OK. 00:31:58
And there's no need for any action. 00:32:00
OK. 00:32:03
So moving back to action items, we have item number six consideration of an MOA with Tierra Grande Improvement Association for the 00:32:05
improvements of certain county roadways. 00:32:10
In Tierra Grande, Lena Benavides chairman. Good evening, commissioners, I'm here for consideration of an MOA for improvements to 00:32:15
Tara Grande Roadways. 00:32:19
They will be providing the county with some fun, will contribute twenty $20,000 in material to assist with some of the road 00:32:24
repairs in the Tedagonde area as we are available. 00:32:29
To do those repairs. 00:32:35
In their area. 00:32:37
And I recommend. 00:32:39
There any questions of Miss Benavides on this item? 00:32:41
None. Is there a motion, Mr. 00:32:46
Mr. Sparkler, move to approve the motion. You have a motion for approval from Commissioner Sparkman on the recommendation second, 00:32:48
second from Commissioner Brazil, any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:32:54
Commissioner Richardson, how do you vote yes, Commissioner Brazil, Commissioner Sparkman, and I vote yes. 00:33:00
All right, action item number seven. We have appointment of three freeholders for the county as a. 00:33:18
As Rd. viewers to evaluate the vacation of 1212 Rivas Rd. In Las Limas. 00:33:24
Again, I'm here for appointment of this Commission of three freeholders to review and evaluate the vacation request at 1212 Rivas 00:33:31
Rd. 00:33:35
The four individuals are pretty much the same, except for one is Michelle Merrill, Charles Eaton, John Clemens and Sue Moran has 00:33:39
accepted. 00:33:44
To assist us with this as well, as long as there's no confrontation because she's a PNC Commissioner, there is not. But Mr. 00:33:51
Chairman, I just wanted to set out the process if I could presume to 6754, unless Adrian already has. 00:33:56
So pursuant to the state statute, in order to vacate a road, the support of county commissioners has to appoint 3 freeholders to 00:34:02
go out and view the road and that those 3 freeholders to come back and make a report to the board either recommending vacation or 00:34:07
not recommending vacation. 00:34:11
And where is reb? 00:34:18
It's alcohol. 00:34:21
So more. 00:34:23
All right. Are there any questions, Miss Benavides, on these? 00:34:27
Freeholders we've used in the. 00:34:31
Known as their recommendation, Mr. 00:34:34
Mr. Brazil, I'd like to make a motion to approve the three or the four with the alternate. We do a motion for approval second. 00:34:36
2nd From Commissioner Richardson, any discussion on the motion and. 00:34:43
Mr. Richardson. 00:34:48
Yes, Commissioner, Brazil. 00:34:49
Commissioner Sparkman, yes, and I vote yes. Thank you, Chairman, Commissioners. 00:34:51
OK, you have one more. 00:34:56
Item number 8 is approval for a Geo bond funds in the amount of. 00:35:01
$980,391.84 and request for an additional $1 million to complete. 00:35:06
Phase one of LCR Mission Blvd. Miss Benavides. 00:35:12
Chairman, Commissioners, I have put in a. 00:35:20
For some additional funds to assist with El Settle Mission Blvd. I do request this time it be tabled. There's some issues that we 00:35:23
need to look at and some funding before we move forward on this. 00:35:28
OK. 00:35:34
Is there a motion to that effect from Commissioners? Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion to table item eight. We have a motion to 00:35:35
table from Commissioner Richardson, second from Commissioner Brazil, any discussion on the motion and. 00:35:41
Mr. Richardson, how do you vote? Yes, thank you. 00:35:48
Thanks Dan, who will revisit that at a later date. 00:35:54
Item number 9 is Approval of recognition and recording of accounts payable and Payroll disbursements. Missus Trujillo. Good 00:35:58
evening Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, I have two accounts payable and two payroll disbursements for your consideration. The first 00:36:05
accounts payable authorization is for the period October 7th through October 31st. 00:36:11
2023 in the amount of $1,687,103.42. 00:36:18
And just as. 00:36:28
To make you aware, this is all funds. It's not just from our general fund, it's ARPA. It's all the funds that we have all 00:36:31
together. These are our expenses for the month. 00:36:35
The second Accounts Payable authorization. 00:36:40
Is for the period November 1st through November 29, 2023 in the amount of $1,726,132.61. 00:36:44
And I'll continue with the payroll authorizations. The first payroll authorization is for wages paid on October 6th, 2023 in the 00:36:58
amount of 740 thousand $740,687.10. 00:37:07
And the second payroll authorization is for wages paid on October 20th, 2023 in the amount of 770 dollars $234.27. 00:37:16
And I stand for any questions on any of these items and I do recommend approval of the items, Any questions of Mrs. Trujillo on 00:37:28
these, on these items? 00:37:33
If none is there. 00:37:39
Sure. I'd like to make a motion to approve as presented. We have a motion from Commissioner Richardson, a second from Commissioner 00:37:41
Bissell, any discussion on the motion and 2nd. 00:37:45
Commissioner Richardson, how do you vote yes, Commissioner Brazil, Commissioner Sparkman, and I vote yes. 00:37:50
Hey, item number ten, approval of Resolution 2023 state. 00:38:24
Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, I'd like to bring a couple of the bars to your attention. 00:38:29
The third item down which is BMS Fund 20400 to County Roads. 00:38:36
This is the. 00:38:43
Lena just presented to you all for Tierra Grande improvements. So it is included in our bars for approval. 00:38:44
On the second page. 00:38:53
There's an item in LGBMS fund 222600 for the jail and detention. 00:38:56
And it is in the amount. 00:39:03
$700,000, and I just want to bring that to your attention. This was approved by you, all of the Board of County Commissioners. 00:39:06
On. 00:39:15
8/16/2023 which was August 16th and this is a transfer in from the general fund to complete the expansion of the detention center. 00:39:17
So this is coming before you right now as a bar to add it to our budget and other than that. 00:39:25
We had quite a few grants that we had we had to add to our. 00:39:34
Issue bars for and I stand for any questions you may have on these items. 00:39:39
OK. Any questions of Mr. Hill on this State Bar? 00:39:44
If none, is there a motion? 00:39:50
That's my question. To prove as presented. We have a motion for approval from Commissioner Brazil, second, second from 00:39:52
Commissioner Richardson. 00:39:55
Any discussion on the motion and 2nd Commissioner Richardson, any vote? Yes, Commissioner Brazil, yes, Mr. Sparkman, yes, and I 00:39:58
vote yes. 00:40:02
Mr. Chairman and Commissioners, this resolution is 2023 Dash 82. 00:40:07
All right. And finally, item number 11, approval of a resolution for local bars. 00:40:27
Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, is our standard bars moving money from one line item to another within the same fund. So they do 00:40:33
require your approval, but not. 00:40:38
The state's approval, I don't see anything unusual that we added to this, but I do stand for any questions you may have and I do 00:40:44
recommend approval of these as well. 00:40:48
Any questions, Mr. Trio, on these on these bars? 00:40:53
None. Is there a motion? 00:40:57
Let's make a motion to approve Sir motion for approval from Commissioner Brazil, second from Commissioner Richardson. 00:40:58
Any discussion on the motion? 00:41:04
Commissioner Richardson, how do you vote? Yes, Commissioner Brazil. 00:41:06
Brooklyn Yes. No. 00:41:10
Thank you all. Thank you, Mr. 00:41:12
Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, this resolution IS2023-83. 00:41:14
All right. So before we leave, I'd like to mention some upcoming Commission meetings. 00:41:32
December 20th, 2023 we have a public hearing slash business. 00:41:38
At 5:00. 00:41:42
Here in the blunt county. 00:41:45
In January 3rd, 2023, we have our reorganizational business meeting. 00:41:47
Also at 5:00. 00:41:52
Here in the Commission. 00:41:54
Right now following this meeting, we're going to have our annual Christmas tree lighting, so anybody in attendance? 00:41:56
Join us for that. 00:42:02
And if you live close, you're on Facebook Live. Come on down to the courthouse and we've got. 00:42:04
Hot chocolate and cookies, I think out there. 00:42:11
We'd love for you all to celebrate this yearly event with. 00:42:13
And are there any closing comments by fellow commissioners? 00:42:18
If not, we are adjourned. Thank you. 00:42:23
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